00964554578 279 gonomics 58 (2017) 273-280 with only 5 degrees of error margin (Korshej et al, 2014) The level categories of the EVA plane are defined with 10 intervals insuring the interval being at least twice the size of the emor margin The measurement method would mainly be sensitive to the appar back inclination and not very much to the changes caused e Ner back position. Thus, the contribution of slouch positio in trunk inclination would be poorly portrayed in our ara hexion larly, our measurement method was not sensitive to even though extensive hip flexion or slouch back would ie unlikely to occur during standing and moving slightly because otherwise the Acti4 software would categorize the posture different from standing and moving slightly. Thus, the diurnal measurements of forward bending during standing or moving slightly can be considered as a relatively valid measure. The EVA indices used in this study characterize the EVA profile in term of the center point of the EVA (ie. EVA-time and EVA-Amp and the spread and complexity of the distribution (EVA-Ent); however, these indices reduce the available information in the EVA profile. These indices provide relevant information to compare the exposure variation during work and leisure time as they have been (Dolisle er al., 2006: Lariviere e al., 2005 used in several studies Samani et al., 2009) However, theses indices do not differentiate between two EVA profiles at the level of a single EVA. To the authors knowledge, this is the first study targeting the pattern of forward bending among blue-collar workers using diurnal long-term recordings at both work and leisure. We were merely focused on the pattern of forward bending during work and leisure time and other factors such as such as work-related stress (Holte el al 003), cardiorespiratory response (Bollo et al. Igos) which could potentially be different between work and leisure However one should bear in mind that the trunk forward bending has received quite a lot of attention in the research field, but so far it has mainly been investigated through self-reported measures (v 2010) Further studies investigating the potential mecha behind the health paradox in relation to eg work-related stress and cardiorespiratory responses are warranted