Sai Yok National Park
The park covers approximately 300-square-kilometers and contains several interesting caves and the nations famous Sai Yok Yai waterfall. The park has dense forests, including majestic teak trees and an abundance of small mammals such as squirrels, bats and deer, as well as numerous bird species. IN addition, the park is home to what is probably the smallest mammal in the world, the two-grammed Kittis Hog-nosed Bat, which was first discovered in 1973 by a Thai naturalist. The park is 104 kilometers from Kanchanaburi via Highway No. 323 and can also be reached by chartered boat from the Pak Saeng Pier. The park is very popular during the weekends. Bungalow accommodations, river rafts, camping facilities, and a daytime food market are available.