1. From Government to Governance
2. Current Challenges of Public Sector Reforms
3. Introduction to Germany’s Politico-Administrative System
4. The German Federal Budget
5. Perspectives on Leadership
6. Human Resource Management - Perspectives from the Private Sector
7. Human Resource Management in the German Public Sector
8. HRM & Leadership - Recent Trends & Challenges
9. New Structures of Public Service Delivery
10. The Federal Governement’s Programme for Reducing Bureaucracy
11. Performance Management in the Public Sector
12. ICT-enabled Public Management
13. Public Corporate Governance in Germany
14. An Introduction to Negotiation Management
15. Asian Co-operation-Lessons learnt from the European Union?
16. Governance in Global Perspective
17. Change Management-Leading Change in the Public Sector
และศึกษาดูงานในหน่วยงานต่างๆ ของประเทศสหพันธ์สาธารณรัฐเยอรมนี ดังนี้
1. The German Federal Parliament
2. The Federal Governement’s Programme for Reducing Bureaucracy
3. Berlin City Tour
4. eGovernment : Municipamun