in the data. Although it could be argued that the qualitative findings may have shaped
the resulting enquiry and quantitatively derived results, the fact that they did not
warrant reporting in the papers provides justification for excluding them from the
‘mixed methods’ classification.
Table 1.2 presents a breakdown of the types of qualitative methods employed by
those employing only qualitative methods and those adopting a mixed methods
approach. In this table, papers have been classified under each category if the
particular method has been utilised and the results reported in the paper. Thus, this
table reflects the number of times that a method was applied across the sample of papers. Given that several studies employed a number of methods and datasets, this number is greater than the number of papers identified in Table 1.1. This table reveals that 16 of the 107 papers published in Volume 24 of the Journal used individual openended
interviews. This represents more than three quarters of the studies employing qualitative methods. Three studies used focus groups, workshops and/or group interviews, two used forms of observation and three analysed documentary data (mainly as part of case study research). Only one paper reported analysing visual data.