From organoleptic analysis it is possible to identify the increasing
turbidity in aged CWsamples visually, beyond the change in colour,
odour, and gas production (Tournas, Heeres, & Burgess, 2006). was easily confirmed when we observed the isotopologue pattern (the relative intensity of the m/z M+35Cl ion was 1/3 of that of m/z
M+37Cl). A clear and evident change in the chemical profile of CW
was observed after 3 days of natural storage in the m/z 150–250
and 350–450 regions using negative ion mode ESI. Ten new species
were identified. Initially, the relative intensity of the natural
markers (m/z 215 and 377 ions–sugar molecules) decreased as a
function of ageing time. Consequently, several acid species were
detected as gluconic acid (m/z 195); that is, the most abundant