I'm very tired today
yeah but u are making me feel like a fool
I worked very hard. I'm tired
Perhaps i am no good for u
i ahve also worked for 10 hours today yet i remember u
takes only a few minutes to say hi or i love u
I'm tired of you, when I try to explain all the time, but you never understand me
I understand....u also dont understand..sometimes...how many times u came online,,and how mny times u messaged me...
I also was busy but i remembered u
today was very busy day...tomoro nite i have to got to capital New delhi for meeting
. I tried every time to make us understand each other But there's nothing better
so iam writing my report...still i think fo u and write u messages
but u dont care for me
only u make me understadn...how about you understanding my feelings too...how much i love u
I try to explain how I work, I have a job, I don't sit idle all the time to wait for answers your questions all the time
and me??? I sit idle??? I also work very much....but i think of you and message u...only afew seconds but alot of thought and felings for u
Will you pick on me all the time. It sickens me. When I don't have anyone, and I อธิบายให้ you listen to it every time. I have to work. Do you understand me?