Lion King Richie turns around.
He falls off the rock.
"If you're going to be like Simba then you need to have the theme song." Blade said.
The Players watching laughed.
Blade then sees the player that Richie was shooting at, he jumps in the air with his Sword, the swords Klein got him. He then lands on the player, stabbing him in the chest.
Another down, he puts his sword away.
He then steps to the side and dodges a silenced sniper bullet.
"The hell? Guess someone has The Silent Assassin Sniper. But where is this player?"
He sees the Bullet Line, he dodges it. He saw the sniper's trail.
He hides behind a tree and goes cloak. He then climbs the tree, he jumps branch to branch, he then lands down behind the sniper, but the sniper was gone.
'Where did he go? Ah well, next time.'
He goes up a tree and looks at the map, "Let's see who's left. Dyne huh? Maybe I'll kill him a third time, and he's getting chased by someone named Pale Rider. Yamikaze, good to see you're still in the fight. Kakouton, Jushi X, or Musketeer X. Sinon. She's still alive, well she is the best sniper. And Kirito, rematch time soon buddy."
He decides to go after Dyne, because why not.
Dyne was running from a player, "Damn it! Who is this guy?!"
He sees a bridge and looks back behind him, he decides to run across it and set up position and wait for this player to approach from the other end, but he should've checked his back.
"Always check your six, Dyne." She hears footsteps, she pulls out her Glock with extended mag.
"Who's there?!" The player slaps the pistol and pins her, it's Kirito.
"I have a proposition."
"There is no such thing in this situation, only one of us will die!"
"Please! I don't want them to know we're here! I just want to watch the fight at that bridge."
She looks at him and stops struggling.
"I might shoot you."
"If it happens it happens."
Sinon then lets go of her Glock.
Kirito then gets off her and moves to his left, he pulls his binoculars out and looks at Dyne.
"You need to be more quiet, and if Dyne tries to leave, I'm killing him."
"You got it."
"Not if I kill him first." Blade says as he rushes with his sword.
Kirito looks at him and pulls his Photon Sword out, Sinon gasps and pulls her Glock out, she shoots at him but he jumps over the bullets and throws a knife at her Glock, it gets hit out of her hand, she gasps, he then jumps over Kirito as they clash blades.
Blade then slides down the hill, Dyne heard everything and looks behind him, not paying attention to the player walking down the bridge. He sees Blade.
"Not this time!"
He shoots at Blade who just came down the hill, Blade then slashes the bullets, blocking them too, he keeps rushing Dyne at full speed.
"DAMMIT!" He had to reload, but Blade impales him with the sword to his chest.
He groans, and looks at Blade, who smirks.
"You'll beat me Dyne, I know you will."
He pulls the sword out and flicks it, he was about to put the sword back in his sheathe, but......
"Blade." Pale Rider said(I'm giving him Zero's voice from Borderlands 2).
He has his shotgun out and pistol, he throws them to the ground.