Evaluating ex ante real estate investment returns requires both qualitative and quantitative analysis
during the decision making process (Amidu, 2011). Indeed, the heterogeneous nature of real estate
Full Article Available Online at: Intellectbase and EBSCOhost │ RMIC is indexed with Cabell‘s, JournalSeek, etc.
Journal Homepage: www.intellectbase.org/journals │ ©2011 Published by Intellectbase International Consortium, USA
R. A. Lee RMIC - Volume 4, Issue 13 (2011), pp. 54-75
markets makes it difficult to compare data across different market and submarket segments. Often the
analyst is dependent on subjective judgment of single point estimates and minimal equivalent
comparisons. Developing objective probabilistic risk assessments in such environments is difficult;
however, the emergence of real estate data providers and affordable computing devices has addressed
some of the technological impediments. From a classroom perspective, students are now quite familiar
with standard spreadsheet functionality and online data resources