Spongers, liars, players - please simply stay away.
I DO NOT USE, Yahoo,, ... - but you are welcome to talk with me in here.
If you want to talk, please just drop a message - normally I do not bite.
If you want to know anything (or see a scary picture), please just ask. You will not listen any lies.
If you want to listen that I love your eyes because they look like the stars mirroring in the dark mountain lake? Or, for poorer poets, that they look like diamonds...? Next door, please!
So, one more thing: NO LIES & GAMES PLEASE!
I am absolutely tired of that. Try to tell lies, try to play games and you will be faster "out" than you've been "in".
If you can't be honest & sincere - go out to play with the other kids in the garden...
As well drinkers, partygirls, inhonest, lazy or brain-dead people may enjoy their lifes - but anywhere else, please. If you want to PLAY your life just stay away and have your fun.
Finally: who is a "good girl" I am able to decide by my own - and that might be different from "normal" view. And...before you start talking about what you want to have, you should think a little about what you want to give. "I want" and "You can do" I really can't listen any longer. So, thanks for the friendly offers to "take care" - but if so, it would be to take care of me, of my money I still can take care by my own.