in the chapter 2, i have to learn that an essay structure to developed from chapter one (paragraph). which a chapter two is organized of introduction, body (supporting), concluding and add thesis statement to make an essay. first, introduction is first thing of sentence to tell you that thing to write. then, thesis statement is supporting details that back up to introduction. it use a combination of these opening strategies: anecdote, question, examples, definition, etc. the second is body or supporting; it is the heart of essay to tell about detail of thing to write. that inside to component of supporting have a topic sentence minor, supporting minor and transitional word that as for sentence perfectly. the last past of an essay is conclusion relate to main ideas and summary of all story to write, it use strategy to make your essay; comment, questions, interpretation, and should to avoid include two type in the end of conclusion.
Every paper you write should have a main point, a main idea, or central message. The argument(s) you make in your paper should reflect this main idea. The sentence that captures your position on this main idea is what we call a thesis statement.