The warning dissemination is initiated by the decision
support component. The concrete generation of customized
warning products is executed to another building block of
the reference architecture, namely the ILC. The generation
of hundreds or even thousands of tailored warning products
is a resource-intensive task, which should be handed over to
a scalable system. Moreover, the system architecture should
be flexible to allow a replacement of one component without
replacing the other. Therefore, the decision support application
releases an initial warning message providing all relevant
information of a present hazard. These so-called hazard
centric messages (HCM) are taken by the ILC to generate
user centric messages (UCM) customized to the needs of
each identified message recipient. These warning products
must be converted into dissemination channel-specific formats
and protocols. The required conversion of UCMs into
channel-specific products is based on the respective channel
characteristics and is managed by the Information Dissemination
Component (IDC). IDC channel adaptors convert
messages into formats suited for respective dissemination
channels (Esbr´ı et al., 2012).