1. To study the dimensions of Principal’s Instructional leadership.
The dimensions of overall principal’s instructional leadership were at high level.
The transition into instructional leadership for the principals was a new concept in Bhutan. All
agree that principal instructional leadership was crucial for the realization of effective schools
vision but it’s seldom practiced. The result reminded the need to improve the instructional
leadership of the Principals. Many researchers have found instructional leadership as one
important aspect of school effectiveness. Edmonds, 1979 as cited in Rogers, D. Kipp (2009)
identified strong instructional leadership of the principals by all administrators and staff
members as a strong correlate. Research clearly indicated principal instructional leadership as a
strong attribute of effective schools (Rogers, D. Kipp., 2009). Many believed that the school
effectiveness solely depended upon the characteristics of the principal, and the leadership
styles (Findley, B. and Findley, D., 1992, p.102).