With the Orc Helm, Orcish Voucher, Orcish Sword and Heroic Emblem in your inventory, talk to this Orc Hero NPC. Similar to the Orc Warrior NPC, you have to keep talking to him. Actually, there is only a 5% chance that he will talk to you about the Orc Helm. Just keep trying.
If he start to talk about the Orc Helm, he will ask you to give him back the Orc Helm you have in your hand. Just give it to him and he will reward you with the Orc Hero Helm.
You can keep the rest of the items, they are needed to show only. Also, note that you have to complete the previous steps. You cannot simply bring the items to this Orc Hero NPC and expect him to give you the Orc Hero Helm.