Thank you very much for your kindness and friendship. You are the first Thai girl I have ever met for ages and hug me without noticing or conditions. Firstly, you never let your word irritated to my heart as like the other does (they mostly thought I am gay or transgender and making fun of me all the time.) and secondly, I could touch about you, a serious version of heart as like me. You did treat me as an grown up people do and finally, I will remember about your warmth welcome to me (at least it mad me felt like I am a man, not your girlfriend.) You never known that you showered me with a true heart and watered me with the tree deep root of happiness. I hope that we will keep this as a promise together. We will be a good friend, won't we? For now, I could be your good brother and friend which I have not thought I got from anybody else before. Lastly, please kindly to keep or maintain our best friendship forever. I do like you a lot.