Obviously, it is extremely difficult for students at ICT Silpakorn to find time to sleep due to plenty of assignments and projects. However, there are some secrets you may not know—the following steps will help ICT students find sufficient sleeping time.
First, do you believe it or not that you can sleep in class? You should plan ahead and keep your in-class sleeping or napping schedule, and also keep in mind the subjects whose instructors are not too strict. Next, sleep by the amount of time you have planned.
Second, there is a special technique called “burning.” It means to burn your calories altogether with the homework. It’s normal for some students to ‘accumulate’ their assigned projects until the last day. So, how could they complete all the homework and still have enough time to sleep? Here is the solution, for example, tomorrow is the deadline for three projects, you speed up your working process and use up the energy you’ve saved to finish all the assignments in a hurry, not caring about the beauty or perfection of the works. In this case, you will have a lot of time to sleep either before or after the ‘burning ritual.’
Third, there is a holy spell that all ICT students should learn, at least to spare their own life. “Tay”, meaning “Let it go!” is a short spell for you to remember. Sometimes when you are about to be buried with all the heavy projects, you’ve got to choose what to keep and what to let go. Choosing to complete and submit only some major projects which will earn you many points, keep you active in school, and also give you the sleeping time you need.
No matter how much work or social activities you have in school, please also remember that sleeping is your main source of energy and fitness. Therefore, follow the three steps above and enjoy your life at ICT Silpakorn.