One of the largest airlines in the world:
Emirates considered one of the well-known airlines in the world in term of revenue, fleetsize, and passengers carried. Also, it has very fast growth; growth has never fallen below20% a year. In its first 11 years, it doubled in size every 3.5 years.-
They are good in managing crises:
Emirates Airline was one of very few airlines in the industry that survived from many globalcrises and still profitable, such as, 11 September attack, and the economic recession in2008/2009.-
High quality of service:
Emirates is superior in quality of service provided to customer and win the "Airline of theYear"-
The Sophisticated Dubai:
The huge growth of Dubai infrastructure and facilities. The Dubai Airport and the newairport in Jebel Ali are considered from largest airports in the world. Also, Dubai consideredone of the important commercial cities in the region. Dubai is very attractive for tourisms,and also it hosts many international sport events and international conferences.-
They are good in communicating, learning, and developing the staff:
They communicate vision, value, and strategic plan to first line staff and emphasis costcontrol with them. Also, they are providing a periodic training and development of theirstaff.-
Diversity of the senior management style and the multi-nationality staff:
Managements are different people from different places bringing a wealth of experience; it'sthe combination of the best of each cultural style. Emirates consist of more than 80nationalities, it's multicultural environment working together as a family.-
Flexibility and fast decisions making:
Managements are working in very informal basis. It's not the traditional model of thewestern world, it's much more fluid. They have small managements team and get adecisions very quickly.-
Youngest fleet in the industry
:Emirates Airline operates one of the youngest fleets in the industry with an average age of 65.89 months, compared with an industry average of 156 months.-
High operations efficiency relative to others measured by trip length:
Analysts estimated that Emirates’ longer trip length of nearly
4,000 kilometers per averagetrip in 2003
provided operating efficiency relative to flag carriers such as British airways.Air France and Lufthansa with average trip lengths in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers.-
Strategic location:
When we look at the Middle East, Emirates is placed at the middle of a market with fourbillion people: China, India, South-East Asia, the Russian Federation, and Europe.-
Attractiveness of Emirates environment:
Employees were attracted not only by Emirates’ reputation as an employer of choice, but
also by the competitive salaries, the lifestyle offered and the absence of income tax for
One of the largest airlines in the world:
Emirates considered one of the well-known airlines in the world in term of revenue, fleetsize, and passengers carried. Also, it has very fast growth; growth has never fallen below20% a year. In its first 11 years, it doubled in size every 3.5 years.-
They are good in managing crises:
Emirates Airline was one of very few airlines in the industry that survived from many globalcrises and still profitable, such as, 11 September attack, and the economic recession in2008/2009.-
High quality of service:
Emirates is superior in quality of service provided to customer and win the "Airline of theYear"-
The Sophisticated Dubai:
The huge growth of Dubai infrastructure and facilities. The Dubai Airport and the newairport in Jebel Ali are considered from largest airports in the world. Also, Dubai consideredone of the important commercial cities in the region. Dubai is very attractive for tourisms,and also it hosts many international sport events and international conferences.-
They are good in communicating, learning, and developing the staff:
They communicate vision, value, and strategic plan to first line staff and emphasis costcontrol with them. Also, they are providing a periodic training and development of theirstaff.-
Diversity of the senior management style and the multi-nationality staff:
Managements are different people from different places bringing a wealth of experience; it'sthe combination of the best of each cultural style. Emirates consist of more than 80nationalities, it's multicultural environment working together as a family.-
Flexibility and fast decisions making:
Managements are working in very informal basis. It's not the traditional model of thewestern world, it's much more fluid. They have small managements team and get adecisions very quickly.-
Youngest fleet in the industry
:Emirates Airline operates one of the youngest fleets in the industry with an average age of 65.89 months, compared with an industry average of 156 months.-
High operations efficiency relative to others measured by trip length:
Analysts estimated that Emirates’ longer trip length of nearly
4,000 kilometers per averagetrip in 2003
provided operating efficiency relative to flag carriers such as British airways.Air France and Lufthansa with average trip lengths in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers.-
Strategic location:
When we look at the Middle East, Emirates is placed at the middle of a market with fourbillion people: China, India, South-East Asia, the Russian Federation, and Europe.-
Attractiveness of Emirates environment:
Employees were attracted not only by Emirates’ reputation as an employer of choice, but
also by the competitive salaries, the lifestyle offered and the absence of income tax for
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