In the final questionnaire, the researcher concluded that the opinion of participants
making interactive display design for self-access language learning was more effective due to the
following reasons: first, there was an academic interactive display for some users such as students
or citizens. Second, there was a practice on language skills through personal access, in addition it
was followed by what has been taught in the classroom. Third, there was practicing and learning
from personal experience in the public. Lastly, there was learning by practice and doing from a
picture or diagram than from a lot of text.
Obviously, it can be seen from the interview and questionnaire based on literature review
that Thais lacked the support to learn English in the public because there is a lack of opportunity
to use English in their daily life: the majority of Thais speak Thai to communicate with each other.
The researcher used the suggestion from the research to create a space & interactive display in the
way of a guideline design to encourage self-access English learning skill in public space.