Materials and methods
2.1. Rice sample
Whole grains of brown rice (Oryza sativa) Fortuna variety were
supplied by Molino Los Cerillos, Trimacer (Santa Fe, Argentina).
2.2. Soaking
To evaluate the effect of time (t) and temperature (T) during
soaking on phytic acid and nutrient content, a surface response
methodology was used. A 32 factorial experimental design with
three central points was selected, resulting in 11 experiments.
Factor levels were temperature (35, 45 and 55 C) and soaking time
(24, 36 and 48 h).
Approximately 25 g of brown rice was soaked with 6.6 g/L lactic
acid solution (1:2 g:mL) in the different experimental conditions.
The moistened seeds were dried in an oven at 80 C and kept at
4 C until the analysis. The soaking liquid was analyzed for free
phosphorus and phytic acid phosphorus.