The use of vibrating equipment can reinforce negative effects of physical strain such as awkward
postures, handling heavy loads, etc., and lead to MSDs, numbness in the limbs and neurological
disorders in the hand-arm system (carpal tunnel syndrome, white finger syndrome).
Noise to which cleaners are exposed tend to be overlooked and considered as “only” a comfort issue
as they are generally below the action limit value of 85 dB(A) set in Directive 2003/10/EC3
. However,
some cleaning machines produce noise levels that contribute to generating stress in cleaners,
especially when several cleaning machines are used simultaneously, and may even lead to collisions
and accidents when they cover the sound of other people or vehicles approaching.
Defective electrical tools and equipment, appliances, wiring, switch panels and electrical outlets or
transformers are a source of electrical hazards. Once the right equipment has been selected to
minimise risk, employers have to maintain it according to the equipment Directive in order to ensure that
hazards do not develop, such as electrical hazards from worn cables. For high risk equipment such as
rotary disc machines where damage to cables is common, cleaners should visually inspect the electrical
cables before each use.
Heat stress can occur in hot environments, which is mostly the case for cleaning tasks in restaurant
kitchens, washing rooms, etc. Working in hot and humid atmospheres can result in heat rash, intertrigo
(chafing), skin maceration and supervening bacterial or fungal infection, especially in overweight and
diabetic individuals. Direct contact of the skin with external heat sources such as hot objects or
surfaces might result in occupational thermal injuries such as contact burns and heat urticaria.
In the healthcare sector, not only medical staff but also cleaning and maintenance staff can be exposed
to high levels of static magnetic fields inside Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) rooms or inside
the bore of the magnet. The static field of sometimes very high intensity is permanently present, even
when the MRI is not in use. Besides, cleaners can be exposed to static magnetic fields of Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR-spectroscopy), of which the magnet capacity is generally
higher that in the MRI scans. There are some indications that the exposure levels measured represent
a risk for wearers of metallic implant such as pacemakers