Does your company have an effective LOD operating model, and if so, are you
Boards should consider whether they can answer the following questions:
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reaping its benefits?
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• Does executive management and the board have a clear view (in some form of risk coverage map) of how
each significant risk is being managed on an ongoing basis?
• Does the board feel that the right risk and compliance activities are being performed for the organization’s key
• Does management understand the board’s risk appetite, and is that evidenced in the reporting on risks?
• Does the board feel that risk management is embedded in the organization and is part of the day-to-day
• Is the board comfortable that there are no gp g a s in risk management?
• Does the board have visibility on action being taken on any gaps in risk management?
If the answer to more than one of the above questions is negative, the board should engage with management
and the risk management functions to assess the LOD operat and the risk management functions to assess the LOD operating model in the organization ing model in the organization If necessary steps . If necessary, steps
should be taken to transform existing processes to have a seamless LOD operating model that flows with the
rhythm of the business.