However, there are some problems that hinder the large- scale produc on of Annona emarginata seedlings for use as a rootstock. In order to overcome these di cul es, micropropaga on has become a viable alterna ve for the rapid and e cient propaga on of Annona spp, but Annona emarginata micropropaga on has not yet been reported. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ini ate Annona emarginata in vitro growth. For axillary shoot prolifera on, in vitro nodal segments of 0.5 cm were transferred to MS or WPM supplemented with BA at di erent concentra ons. Nodal segments were also cultured on WPM medium with ranging concentra ons of di erent plant growth regulators, aiming for either shoot elonga on or roo ng. The results showed that the use of 1 μM BA in WPM medium is recommended for in vitro mul plica on of Annona emarginata. This is based on the low adven ous shoot forma on, combined with a higher number of buds and leaves. The use of GA3 at any concentra on tested induced the forma on of malformed plants. Root forma on could not be s mulated, regardless the dura on of auxin treatment.