Throughout four years of studying International Business Management at the Kasetsart University, the analytical thinking, problem solving and team working has molded and shaped me up solidly. Additionally, the extra-curricular activities had broadened both my academic and personal life experiences. As a volunteer to Nakorn Nayok province under the rural development project of the university during the first year student, I participated in the construction of classrooms of the Wat Somboon Samakke School and helped improve the school grounds as well as the nearby temples’ surrounding. In the second year, I volunteered to the Pattaya Orphanage. Though, being unable to sponsor a child, I could contribute my moment of warmth and cheer to the children. I taught them easy English language through ABC song. The laugh and smile on their faces are a huge reward to me. The academic education has enlightened me while extra-curricular activities gave me the understanding and knowledge of sustainability as well as the connection to the world outside the classrooms