Economic impacts t Over the past 8 years, the total cultivated area of MRVs in Southern Vietnam has reached about 2.54 million ha. t The mutant varieties contributed for production have produced added returns of (in millions USD): VND95-20 (300.0); VND 99-3 (9.0); TNDB 100 (37.5); VND95-19 (6.0); OM 2717 (12.0); OM 2718 (8.4); VND 121 (0.8) & VN124 (0.7). t 8 mutant varieties contributed an added return of 374 million USD over the past years and will continue to provide valuable return for farmers in future crops. t The new mutant varieties are tolerant to new diseases and insects, have replaced susceptible varieties and will continue to have a significant impact on sustainable rice cropping systems in the future.