Effect of dietary astaxanthin and background color on pigmentation and growth ofred cherry shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) was investigated. A 2x3 factorial in CRDwith two types of diets (with astaxanthin supplementation of 200 mg astaxanthin.kg-1 and without supplementation) and three types of background colors (white, red and black) wasconducted. After the 8 weeks feeding trial, the results indicated that dietary astaxanthinand background color had no interaction effect on pigmentation and growth performance(P>0.05). Astaxanthin-fed groups had significantly greater pigmentation than that ofshrimp fed without astaxanthin (P<0.05). Pigmentation significantly increased as thedarkness of background color increased (P<0.05). Astaxanthin-fed groups had significantlygreater weight gain and SGR than that of shrimp fed with diets without astaxanthin (P<0.05). Weight gain and SGR also significantly increased as the darkness of backgroundcolor increased (P<0.05). There was no difference in shrimp survival between diets withor without astaxanthin (P>0.05) and among background colors. All results indicated thatred cherry shrimp fed with astaxanthin and reared in black or red background colors canincrease pigmentation, weight gain and SGR
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