Introduction.– 23.3% of population in Japan is aged over 65 and the prevalence of dementia is estimated to be 33.9% in age over 85. Effective high quality geriatric care is critically needed, while the burn out of nurse has been increasing due to difficulties taking care of dementia patients who are admitted for acute medical problems. Humanitude is a care method widely used for dementia patients in France.
Objectives.– To assess the effectiveness of Humanitude.
Design.– Qualitative before-and-after study.
Methods.– Nurses working at acute care hospitals were trained with 5 days intensive course of Humanitude. The course contained lectures of the philosophy and theory of the methodology, the tech- niques of care, and clinical practice of bedside care to dementia patients. Throughout the course, 4 pillars of the methodology; how to look, talk, touch and stand up, were repeatedly emphasized. The participants were asked in questionnaires before and after the course. Narrative analysis was performed.
Results.– Twenty-three nurses enrolled the study. Pre-course inquiry showed there were difficulties to take care of geriatric patients especially with dementia, while few organized training focusing on dementia care had been provided. The most diffi- cult situation was care for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Post-course inquiry revealed that the comprehen- sive care using 4 pillars were considered new and satisfactory technique, and the participants gained confidence of better com- munication and care for patients. Overall time consumption for care was shortened.
Conclusions.– Nurses in acute care hospitals recognized Humani-