There are many different ensiling methods, each having positive and
negative aspects to them. The aim of ensiling corn is for the corn to go under
a proper fermentation process, free of oxygen and other environmental
stressors. The objective of this literature review is to determine the most
ideal method of corn silage management from the time the corn is chopped,
until the cow consumes it in the total mixed ration (TMR).
The literature review was conducted by analyzing more than thirty
articles covering silage management and the effects it has on the corn silage
quality and productivity of the cow. The higher density corn silage has (lbs.
per cubic foot) when packed, increases the possibility of anaerobic
fermentation throughout the pile. Packing silage densely and sealing it
properly are key contributors to managing corn silage allowing for anaerobic
fermentation. Aerobically unstable silage is detrimental to the corn reducing
the amount of beneficial nutrients and increasing the amount of toxins that
can potentially spread throughout the pile. Aerobically unstable silage has
develops molds that have harmful effects on cows, which directly affects
health of the cow and dry matter intake (DMI), and indirectly decreases milk
production. Silage that is managed properly can decrease unnecessary losses
from shrink and milk production, eliminating the risk of the cost of a ration