Adaptive Multimodal in-Vehicle Information System for Safe Driving
This paper proposes an adaptive multimodal in-vehicle
information system (AMiVIS) for safe driving. The
proposed system first filters input information based on
the priority and driving situation, to effectively manage
input information and then intelligently provide the
information to the driver, and then interacts with the
driver using an adaptive multimodal interface by
considering both driving workload and the driver’s
cognitive reaction. This system consists of four stages:
information-priority determination, driving-situation
awareness, optimized-workload based modality selection,
and driver’s cognitive-reaction based modality-level
control. It was shown experimentally that the proposed
system can promote driver safety and enhance
information understanding by filtering the input
information. Also the system can reduce the driving
workload by selecting the proper modality and its level. In
addition, an analysis of subjective questionnaires
regarding the proposed system shows that more than 85%
of the respondents were satisfied with it. The proposed
system is expected to provide prioritized information
through a modality that is very easy to understand.