may be found in nearly all environments,although only a small numer of species occur in the oceans. insects typically move about by walking,flying or sometime it allowes for rapid yet stable movement,many insects adopt a trihedral gait in which they walk with their legs touching the ground in alternating triangles. many insects spend at least prat of their lives underwater,with larval adaptations that include gills,and some adult insects are aquatic and have adaptatinos for swimming. insects are mostly solitary, but some such as certain bees, ants,and termites,,are social and live in large,well-organized colonies.some insects,such as earwigs,show msternal care,guarding their eggs and young.insects can communicate with each other in variety of aways. other species communicate with sounds:crickes stridulate,or rub their wingd togerther, to attract a mate and rapel other males. humans regard certain insects as pests,and attempt to control them using insecticides and host of other techniques. some insects damage crops by feeding on sap,leaves or fruits,a few bite humans and livestock ,alive and dead,to feed on blood,and some are capable of transmitting diseases to humans,pets and live stock. nevertheless, without insects to pollinate flowering plants,a necessary process in their reproduction, the terrestrial portion of the biosphere(including humans) would be devastated,as a great many organisms rely on flowering plants. many other insects are considered ecologically beneficial as predators and a few provide direct economic benefit. silkworms and bees have been used extensively by human for the production of silk and honey,respectively