When the feasibility analysis is complete, the
community will be in a position to make an informed decision about where its marketing
resources should be directed. You should prioritise ASD opportunities on the basis of expected financial viability, the aforementioned
regional objectives and impact on existing air
For each priority route opportunity, you should
identify at least one candidate air carrier, based
on expected financial results and strategic fit
with the community. In many cases, more than
one airline would be capable of providing the
potential air services, so you should identify
secondary and tertiary airline targets as well.
For example, a European airport seeking ac-
cess to the south-central
United States and Latin America may identify both American Airlines
(with hubs in Dallas-Fort Worth and Miami) and
Continental Airlines (Houston) as potential candidate carriers.
Once you have prioritised routes and identified
candidate carriers, your RDA can move to the
next phase in the ASD process: proposing new
services to airlines.