'Good, isn't it, said Latto,pushing a chair out and inviting Martinez to sit down. 'I've got some cold beer in the fridge.
Would you like one? he asked.
'that's kind of you; said Martinez, 'but I'm working. A glass of water would be good.'
Latto brought some water and then sat down next to Martinez. Martinez opened up the computer and handed it to Latto.
,A twenty-first-century book of photos; he explained.
'Have a look through these. Press the 'down' key to go to the next photo. Let me know if you see the man who his you.
OK'. Latto started to look through the photos.
While Latto was doing this, Martinez spoke again. 'You were telling me about Parkinson's Disease; he said. 'You were saying that western medicine can't do much for people who have it.'
'That's right; replied Latto, continuing to look at the photos. 'We have a number of different drugs we can give people. The drugs can help the patient, but only for a few years. After that, the drugs stop working and the patient's condition will be the same as before. Maybe worse.'
Martinez thought about this for a few moments.
'Sounds bad; he said
'It is bad; agreed Latto
'So how were Ms Spencer's ideas different?
'Well, I don't know too much about it yet-that's why I'm here; said Latto, smiling at Martinez. 'However,it seems to work by holding the patient's arms and legs so that they have a chance to get better by themselves.'
Martinez looked thoughtfully at Latto.
'And this works?' he asked, looking surprised.