Using Mnemonic Associations:
1. By linking the word to the sound of a word in the native language to the sound of a word in the language being learned, or to the sound of a word in another language;
2. By attending to the meaning of a part or several parts of the word;
3. By noting the structure of part or all of the word;
4. By placing the word in the topic group to which it belongs;
5. By visualising the word in isolation or in a written context;
6. By linking the word to the situation in which it appeared;
7. By creating a mental image of the word;
8. By associating some physical sensation to the word;
9. By associating the word to a keyword; and
10.By using of mnemonic device in order to create a cognitive link between an unfamiliar foreign language word or its translation by means of a cognitive mediator