3. Monitoring of Groundwater Quality under Section 2 provides a standard method for the analysis of water and wastewater (Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater) The American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation, the US share. well defined or manual analysis of water and wastewater Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand. The following:
(1) monitoring groundwater quality in accordance with Article 2.1 (1) - (15), use the Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography or Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry or other PCD saw. Like
(2) to monitor groundwater quality in accordance with Article 2.2 (1) - (7), using Direct Aspiration / Atomic Absorption Spectrometry or Inductively Coupled Plasma / Plasma Emission Spectroscopy, or other methods approved by PCD.