In the Read and Think stage, problem is analyzed and critical thinking begins. Facts are examined and evaluated,
physical setting is visualized, described and understood. Furthermore, problem is translated into students’ language,
relationships between problem parts are identified and the question asked is identified. In the Explore and Plan
stage, given information are analyzed for completeness while irrelevant information are identified and eliminated.
Data are organized in tabular or graphical form (drawings, models, graphs and the like), and a plan for finding the
answer is developed. The Select a Strategy stage is considered by many as the most difficult part of the problem-
I. Irwan Mahazir et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 ( 2015 ) 1764 – 1770 1767
solving process. Since there are many established heuristics (strategies and techniques), a good problem solver
should be able to select appropriately one or a combination of available heuristics. The Find an Answer stage makes
use of students’ drawing skills. The use of mobile learning is made applicable at this stage.