In times past it. The upturn is starting Grade 5 I am thrilled every time I meet a friend. Play with friends Talk to friends Although there are many teachers who do not like me any more. I love my friends so much. We have a habit that is compatible with everyone. No argument was unfeigned sincerity in the classes I tend to ignore the report. Because it is boring. Little Interest Little is practical to do so much. I learned the other day To take the college entrance exam. I love my friends so much. The more time working with friends is nothing like it. To share their knowledge But what I do not like. Teachers like an insult to students who wish to develop their own students. But perhaps we do not like Thinking adults to children is not the same. But I also feel good to come to school because Rajvinit High School of the King. Teaching children to be good And the school environment are very good. Learn ambience In the fifth grade, I had to do something new and different from the original array. Work more difficult, more experienced and more teamwork.