Different from the chilly voice of Bingryong and the Wyvernes, with their bad personalities, the voice of the Wings of Light was pure and angelic.
“Your name is…”
“Let’s go with Light Wing.”
If the Wyverns, Geumini, and Bingryong were there, they would have shared its pain and suffering.
Weed decided to leave the Statue of Death alone for now.
“I think there’s some kind of a secret hidden behind this sculpture…”
He could effortlessly feel this was the case.
The created quest item linked to Death Hand! There was no doubt that an unimaginable quest was waiting.
“I should put all troublesome things on hold.”
Weed decided to just wait for now.
Kuruso had lots of other sculptures, but the most urgent matter was to find the clues about Kendellev!
- Find the Dwarf sibling who became lost while he was young. For clues, use the statue of his younger appearance.
It was a quest to find a fully grown Dwarf by looking at a statue of his younger appearance. Dwarves never retain their younger appearance, so this was impossibly difficult commission to complete.
Weed found the Dwarf’s younger sibling within Kuruso’s cave.
“That’s right. My name is Norman. How were you able to recognize me?”
“There aren’t many Dwarves that look as stupid as you, you see. You’re no different now than when you were young.”
The Dwarf Norman who burst into tears like a baby!
- It is difficult to identify the minerals used to make this sculpture.
It was a quest to analyse the material of the sculpture and to find the cave where that material could be extracted.
The commission was completed with the mobilization of the Dwarven Blacksmiths and Miners.
Thanks to the development of mines by a Dwarf named Twitter, Weed was able to register his name as the owner. If the ruby mine was developed well, it would yield a lot of revenue in the future!
Although Weed completed 10 quests, he wasn’t able to discover a trail leading to Kendellev. Because not all sculptures possessed a unique memory, there were times when he met a dead end. Even after examining every sculpture in Kuruso, Kendellev’s trail was nowhere to be found.
“This is not an easy quest after all.”
The Dwarves who had accepted the Sculptor Instructor Jorbid’s quest wondered if they had all been idiots.
“There’s really nothing I can do properly…”
However, it was too shameful to go to back to Iron Hand village and give up on the quest, so he decided to linger in Kuruso for ten more days.
“Art Hand, it’s clear you’ve worked really hard.”
Herman was next to Weed.
Herman, along with Pin, had decided to come and watch Weed sculpt from morning to night. Besides Herman and Pin, there were at least 50 other Dwarves watching him.
They were the Dwarves who had grown close to Weed after many quests. And there were Dwarves who waited in the hopes of watching Weed carve another light sculpture.
However, Weed did not make another light sculpture.
‘My sculpting skills aren’t perfect yet.’
The Wings of Light had miraculously emerged, but his skills were far too underdeveloped to judge himself.
A historical work of art!
The artistic value of works that were extremely unique was massive. However, such incredible works didn’t show up often. Although he always tried to make something great, not everything turned out as fantastic!
While making the Wings of Light, he made countless of small mistakes, and he had the will to do it again..
‘I’m attaching the light, making it out of light, using the properties of light. It won’t do if I don’t understand the character of light well.’
A sculptor’s inherent skill was to identify the material they were using.
Weed used his Moonlight Sculpting skill and played with the light. Whenever his mana ran out, he would take an ordinary piece of wood and carve it while restoring his mana.
He ate bread crumbs in between projects and made all kinds of sculptures.
Weed did not respond to Herman.
Even Weed knew it was customary to honor his elders and be polite, but there was a limit to that. He grew tired of Herman’s countless of questions and chatter while sticking right next to him.
Not bothered by the fact Weed wasn’t replying back to them, Herman and Pin talked among themselves.
“A man with such determination will succeed regardless of what he does. Pin, be sure to meet a steady, hard-working man.”
“Of course. But where can I meet a man as steadfast as he?”
“Is there a reason to search for one far away when there is one so close?”
“Oh my, grandpa, you’re too much.”
The stress they were putting on Weed together was building up. Even when Herman left his spot, there were always other Dwarves to take his place and attempt to start a conversation.
The Dwarves from the quest and those in the same professions talked amongst themselves. They gave Weed the weapons and armour they made so could he engrave them.
As a result, Weed looked through almost all the wares the Dwarves of Kuruso had made. There wasn’t anyone else who knew about the fierce competition between the Dwarven Blacksmiths over the completion of Blacksmithing Skills better than Weed.
‘The armour Fabio makes has admirable functionality. The other properties of his works aren’t unique and aren’t quite there yet, but his armours have some great defense stats.’
Fabio’s skills were so outstanding, even Weed was jealous.
‘The quality of the materials and reputedly assured skills. He creates works with almost no mistakes.’
He wasn’t conservative with his materials and used no petty tricks; he smithed with skill alone.
‘If it’s this level… I’ve think he has Advanced Blacksmithing skills.’
After Weed saw Fabio’s greatest work, Rainbow Coloured Armour, he was absolutely sure.
- Rainbow Coloured Amour: Durability: 150/150. Defense: 159
The work of the Dwarf who monsters hate the most.
Seven rare materials were combined to make this.
Full plate armour that covers the whole body, (it is at the climax of beauty), so knights of a lower level will be unable to wear it.
As this work was made not too long ago and has not yet been used, it is in a perfect state.
Knights, Warriors only
Level 350
Physical Resistance (30%).
Magic Resistance (20%).
Agility -50.
Satiety +80. Charisma +60.
Leadership skills are strengthened.
There is a strong probability that weak attacks will be deflected.
This huge, respectable defence!
Because the blacksmith lacked Weed’s deftness, the durability was low, but there shouldn’t be too much of a problem if this had an above average level of durability because one could use it while repairing it every now and then.
“It’d be really good to know what materials were used to make this.”