I. Methods of payment
1. Cash in advance
2. Open accounts
3. Consignment sales
4. Sight, time, or date drafts
5. Letters of credit
II. Pro forma financial statements and budgets
A. Marketing budget
1. Selling expense
2. Advertising/promotion expense
3. Distribution expense
4. Product cost
5. Other costs
B. Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (first year through fifth year)
III. Resource requirements
A. Finances
B. Personnel
C. Production capacity
IV. Executive summary
After completing the research for this report, prepare a two-page (maximum)
summary of the major points of your successful marketing plan, and place it at
the front of the report.
V. Sources of information
VI. Appendixes
The intricacies of international operations and the complexity of the
environment within which the international marketer must operate create an
extraordinary demand for information. When operating in foreign markets,
the need for thorough information as a substitute for uninformed opinion is
equally important as it is in domestic marketing. Sources of information needed
to develop the country notebook and answer other marketing questions are
discussed in Chapter 8 and its appendix.