At present, the general public, especially those with low income, lack of opportunities to recover money in the system, such as commercial banks, because there are criteria for the loan but asked to carefully restore the pledge was sometimes get less money because it depends on the value of the securities, so that lenders will help solve problems that require the use of money lent is from outside the system.
Business debt out of the system occurred in the Thai nation, causing damage to the economy and a lot of people. Therefore, people who fall into the debt often as locals. Farmers who are unable to make loans in the system, because the people who earn less, it does not have any collateral or property will be given to various financial institutions in accordance with the terms of borrowing money as usual, so this group of people is going to loan debt out of the system because he saw that the.Live is an important loan source can have dependencies in trouble and needed. Able to borrow money quickly. Which sometimes do not have collateral to loans in the higher limit. Which at least helps provide relief for borrowers with financial institutions in the system is not able to provide assistance in these cases.