This oyster dominates the eulittoral zone of
sheltered rocky shores such as Hoi Ha Wan, Starfish Bay,
Tso Woo Hang, Deep Bay and Tai Tam Bay and mangroves
such as Ting Kok (Morton, 1990; Chiu, 1997, 1998). It forms
a clear visible oyster zone restricted by the level of Mean
High Water Neap Tides (MHWNT). It is rare on exposed
shores such as Cheung Sha and Cape d’Aguilar. It also occurs
on submerged, sheltered concrete structures of the pier on
East Ping Chau and is scattered individually among the
barnacle zone at Big Wave Bay, Hong Kong Island. This
species is distributed in both the subtropical and tropical IndoWest
Pacific, from southern Japan to Australia (authors’
unpublished data)