Claim Letter
A claimant is a person who asks for a reimbursement for any damage done to life or property. A claim is when damage is informed and refund is requested. A claim could be of many kinds:
Car insurance claim
Health insurance claim
Life insurance claim
Claim against theft
Claim against fire
Accidental claim
Compensatory claim
Deposit refund claim
Retrenchment reimbursement claim
But a claim can be requested only when there has been a prior understanding between the claimant and the company who is expected to clear the claim.
A Claim Letter is a tool informing a company of the partial or full damage done and requesting a decent reimbursement against it. It however may either be written by the claimant informing about the loss or the company giving the reimbursement informing the claimant of the reimbursement that is on its way may also write it.
A Claim Letter should be written by the claimant as soon as the damage is done
It should be written by the company as soon as the reimbursement is being sent
The letter must bear the date on the top left corner indicating details of its origin
It should be brief and to the point
Only the details of the policy and reimbursement requested/agreed should be dealt with in the letter
A Claim Letter should always have a reference number against which the claim is being requested/agreed so that it becomes easy to track its past record
The letter should always be only addressed to the person with the full name and address who is being given the claim or to the company with its full address who is being requested for the reimbursement against the claim
A Claim Letter should give all details about the policy against which the claim is being made. For example, the claim reference number, date when the policy was taken, terms of the policy, how much reimbursement is due, what is the timeframe within which the reimbursement will come through
A Claim Letter has to always be accompanied by documents supporting the damage or loss, for example the police report, death certificate, etc