Pollution emission costs are measured in $/Kg damages related to health and visibility impacts and physical impacts on the environment. The costs estimates of Delucchi [8], who estimated costs for several impact categories for urban areas of the U.S. in 1991, were adopted. Delucchi recently updated the original values to account for changes in information about pollution and its effects [14]. He customizes these estimates by using regional exposure scalars to adjust the average exposure basis in U.S. urban areas to the average exposure in each of the metropolitan statistical areas. According to Delucchi, population density is the best simple measure of exposure to air pollution. The original 1991 $/Kg are converted to current dollar values using the consumer price index (CPI). To account for cost of living geographical differences, these estimates are scaled to each individual region using the ratio of median household income of each area to the U.S. median household income.