ขันหมาก KHAN MAKK means “bowl of betel nuts” which is a golden bowl decorated with flowers, garlands and banana leaves in this bowl there will be betel nuts, sesame seeds, and other plant seeds and coins.The seeds signify prosperity and the name of the flowers means everlasting love. In days gone by, plant seeds were a food source, so giving these seeds is a gift of good fortune.
ขบวนขันหมาก The Khan Makk Procession
In the morning of the wedding. The groom’s entourage will bring the Khan Makk to the bride’s family.
The proceedings begin with the arrival of the groom and his entourage at the bride’s home. The group accompanying the groom consists of family and friends, but leading the procession will be drummers and traditional folk cancers, whose lively celebrations announce their arrival to all
The entourage or parade consists of :
· A drum band
· The father of the groom
· The groom and Mother of the groom
· A little girl holding the Khan Makk bowl
· A boy or brother of the groom holding a tray of gifts for the bride. (In the tray there will be money and gold jewellery to ensure that the new family will befinancially secured)
· Friends and relatives of the groom holding trays of sweets and fruits. (The sweets using in the ceremony all have names meaning gold, sweetness and good fortune)
· Male friends of the groom holding sugar cane plants and banana trees. These are to be planted later in the new home. To provide food for babies to come.
Banana leaves and sugar cane are paraded like banners by some of the attendants, while others bear the traditional gifts of the Khan Makk, which includes rice, sesame seeds, Thai food for the feast and many Thai desserts, as well as monetary gifts and other precious items, such as gold and jewellery, which will make up the dowry to the Brides Parents later on in the ceremony.
Many of these gifts represent important aspects of the marriage, such as health, prosperity, fertillity, and longevity. The Thai desserts to be eaten as part of the feast consists of 9 different items. The number 9 is important in Thai society and it is used on occasions such as this to bring good luck.
The timing of the procession is also important, as it will have been calculated to occur at the most auspicious moment for the couple. It is also common for the lucky number 9 to figure in these calculations as well.
When the procession finally arrives at the bride’s home they will be met by the bride’s family, who will invite the groom into the home to conduct the next part of the ceremony.
พิธีกั้นประตู (Barring the Groom from Approaching the Bride)
In order for the wedding to continue, the Groom must collect the bride from her room to join him for the Khan Makk ceremony.
Before this can happen however, the groom must successfully pass through a number of obstacles that are put in his way by the family of the bride. Normally there are just three symbolic “door” which can only be passed through once the groom has proved his worth to the keepers of the “locks” These keepers are usually childres holding silver and gold chains. The groom or his gather has to offer some token and negotiate humourously before the children let them pass. This tradition aims for the two families to get familiar with each other.
The Grooms can sometimes be questioned and is occasionally teased during this ritual as the family light-heartedly determine whether he can pass through each “door” but his passage to the next “door” or ultimately to the bride’s room itself, will only be granted once a “toil” has been negotiated with the keeper of the “lock”. The toll for each subsequent “door” will increase as the groom successfully advances.
พีธีการนับสินสอด (Counting the dowry)
Traditionally, a dowry of money and gold/jewellery will be formally presented by the groom’s parents to the bride’s parents on the Khan Makk tray. The dowry is then counted out onto a red cloth by the bride’s parents. The amount of the dowry is usually predetermined, but traditionally the amount given will be more than this, which is intended to represent prospective wealth for the couple
The dowry is then ready to be wrapped up in the cloth by tying opposite corners of the cloth to create a bundle. The bride’s mother then hauls the bundle onto her shoulder in a feigned show of heaviness and carries it away.
พิธีรับไหว้ (Paying respects to the Elders)
The couple pay their respects to the elder members of the two families by kneeling on the floor in front of each of the elders in turn and performing a “kraap” , where the flattened hands are placed palms together with the index fingers being brought up to touch the nose. The couple then put both hands palms down to the floor while bending down to touch their hands with their head, before returning to the starting position, The whole procedure is done in unison. This prostration is a humble show of respect.
One of the items from the Khan Makk is a gift of candles and incense, which is handed to the elder as a further sign of respect. Then elder places his/her hands around the candles and incense as a symbol of acceptance, but does not keep it as it is used each time for all the family elders. The couple then offer a gift to the elder. The choice of gift is up to the individual couple, but often comprises of silk or cloth. Upon accepting the gift, the elder will replace it with a personal gift to the couple and offers a blessing to the couple. Finally, the couple will repeat the kraap obeisance