The result showed the importance of differentiating short- and long–run impact of food safety regulations. The
requirements of food safety regulations had a significantly negative impact on China’s short run export but a
significantly positive effect on China’s long run export. Overall, it was found that the impact of increased food
safety regulations (as measured by the increased number of WTO notifications on SPS) on China’s exports was
positive. The costs of China’s agri-food exporting enterprises in complying with foreign food safety regulations
had been investigated through two firm surveys during the year of 2008 and 2009. Both results showed that total
compliance costs were increased year by year. Among specific categories of costs, the costs on building
renovation, technological innovation, and testing were the main components. In all types of certifications, HACCP
certificate required the largest amount of compliance cost. The cost of obtaining ISO9001 certificate was less than
that of HACCP certificate. GAP-Global certificate costs were the smallest. In terms of annual fee, the highest