It should be noted here that the effect of the climate index, on the forest fire hazard, is homogeneous throughout the Clump. It comes down to the low expanse of the study area. The calculation of population density, the intersection of forest areas and their zones of influence with the urbanized and with agricultural areas again have been determined the degree of vulnerability in the forest clump . The product of two layers, hazard and vulnerability map, was given the map of the forest fire risk in the Bouzareah clump . Comparison of the risk map, established by our model with that achieved from the formula 1 shows some differences in urban areas where human impact is important. Based on the concept of intersection, the proposed model is a simple, easily used by the forest engineer or otherwise. The model developed is very interesting being based not on the number of fires, but on factors initiation and propagation of the fire, with a weighting based on the judgments of experts, because we do not wait Fire to plan its management. Similarly, this model could be easily applied to other regions of the Mediterranean area since the similarity of the environmental landscapes and likeness of the climate. It is well established that combustion is individually driven by climatic factors . The integration of the climate factor in the model is essential because it plays a major role in the spread of fire and that may act at several levels. For example, the wind acts by renewing the oxygen in the air, reducing the angle between the flames and the land and promoting the transport of incandescent particles in front of the flame. The speed of propagation of a fire is closely correlated with wind speed but also to the arid environment. On the other hand, the notion of risk involves a vulnerability to fire hazard. The model of Equation established for the forests of the Mediterranean area ,obscures this part, which defines, in fact, the risk of forest fire. The evolution of land use influences, particularly on the risk of forest fires due to the development of the interface forest/habitat and the absence of buffer zone areas that are cultivated. The robustness of the model is predicting the risk of forest fires, based only on flammability criteria. This model is not static and rigid: you can change some timing to give more weight to one factor or another decrease.