We would like to offer our deepest apologies for the trouble you had to experience with Smile beach hotel. This situation is not ordinary and these incidents are not typical of us. We appreciate that you understand that mistakes sometimes happen despite the numerous checks and measures. We are very sorry that this happened to you but rest assured it won’t happen again.
After studying the matter, we found out that this error was the result of The system error in booking hotel rooms as do customers don't want. This is clearly a mistake at our end and we take responsibility for it.
Due to this unintentional error and as a token of appreciation to you as our client, we are going to We will give privilege to stay free 1 night .This is the least that we can do to compensate for the inconvenience caused. We do hope this resolution fulfills your expectations and helps clear any deformed image you might have had about services or customer service.
To make things even better, and similar mistakes do not happen again in the future. It is due to you that we have realized this and we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We prefer to learn and improve under better conditions but sometimes this is just not possible.
we apologise for any incovenience and hope you will stay at the smile beach hotel in the future
Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and feedback with us at any time. We are here for you.