Brendan Collins committed the company to an Energy Management programme with an Energy policy, this was written up and explained to all staff and drivers.
Fuel Usage and Waste
Driving Practices
The following actions were taken:
An Energy Policy was written up and communicated to all the staff.
An in-depth programme of eco-drive training was undertaken with the drivers.
In collaboration with the drivers, targets in idling, reducing vehicle speed and incentivising with bonus payments were established.
Loni Byrne was hired as energy manager to implement the energy management programme. The role entailed setting out targets for reducing energy use, motivating and mentoring drivers to make changes and monitoring fuel usage to ensure targets were being met.
With a continual review process in place: The monthly KPL [Kilometre Per Litre] figures are discussed at management meetings. Drivers have the ability to monitor their own performance daily through a tracking system on their mobile phones.
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