Model structure
The model is sub-divided into two distinct modules, namely a non-spatial demand
module and a spatially explicit allocation procedure (Figure 1). The non-spatial module
calculates the area change for all land use types at the aggregate level. Within the
second part of the model these demands are translated into land use changes at
different locations within the study region using a raster-based system. The userinterface
of the CLUE-S model only supports the spatial allocation of land use change.
For the land use demand module different model specifications are possible ranging
from simple trend extrapolations to complex economic models. The choice for a specific
model is very much dependent on the nature of the most important land use conversions
taking place within the study area and the scenarios that need to be considered. The
results from the demand module need to specify, on a yearly basis, the area covered by
the different land use types, which is a direct input for the allocation module.