Be people-centred. SLA begins by analysing people's livelihoods and how they change over time. The people themselves actively participate throughout the project cycle.
Be holistic. SLA acknowledges that people adopt many strategies to secure their livelihoods, and that many actors are involved; for example the private sector, ministries, community-based organizations and international organizations.
Be dynamic. SLA seeks to understand the dynamic nature of livelihoods and what influences them.
Build on strengths. SLA builds on people's perceived strengths and opportunities rather than focusing on their problems and needs. It supports existing livelihood strategies.
Promote micro-macro links. SLA examines the influence of policies and institutions on livelihood options and highlights the need for policies to be informed by insights from the local level and by the priorities of the poor.
Encourage broad partnerships. SLA counts on broad partnerships drawing on both the public and private sectors.
Aim for sustainability. Sustainability is important if poverty reduction is to be lasting.