protocols. Hence, the goal of this study was to examine the effect of age and performanceon the hematology, biochemistry, and physical parameters after an endurance race.Eighteen horses aged 6-15 years were grouped into 80-km race category. All the horseswere physically examined, and blood samples were collected postrace. After physicalexamination, the poor (n ¼ 9) and good (n ¼ 9) performance horses were identified.Potassium concentration was significantly higher (P < .05) in the good performancehorses; chloride concentration was significantly higher (P <.05) in the poor performancehorses. The mean blood glucose concentration of the poor performance horses in all theage-groups was significantly higher (P < .05). The mean blood lactate concentration wassignificantly lower (P < .05) in the poor performance horses. There was significant effectof performance on heart rate (P < .031), capillary refill time (P < .013), and gut motility(P < .05). Univariate Fisher exact test results were significantly higher for skin recoil (P <.03), mucous membrane (P < .03), and gait (P < .04) in the performance categories. Inconclusion, the influence of age was seen in the poor performance category in relation tolactate, but age did not influence other physical, hematological, and biochemicalparameters of the endurance horses. Thus, further studies are required to determinewhether physical, hematological, and biochemical parameters during training could beused to estimate performance in endurance horses based on age. 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights
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