Abstract: Dentists, as well as otheThese cause the appearance of various ailments, specific to the profession, which develop and intensify with years. In
many cases they result in diseases and disease complexes, some of which are regarded as occupational illnesses. Relying
on relevant literature, the present paper discusses occupational hazards like stressful situations, latex hypersensitivity, allergic
reactions due to various dental materials, exposure to radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing), percutaneous exposure
incidents (PEI), hazard due to nitrous oxide gas, as well as factors leading to the musculoskeletal system diseases and diseases
of the peripheral nervous system. Awareness regarding these occupational hazards and implementation of preventive
strategies can provide a safe working environment for all the dental personnel. There is also a need for continuing
dental education programs in dentistry so that dentists can update themselves with the latest and newer techniques and
materials.r dental personnel are constantly exposed to a number of specific occupational hazards.