Critique by PaulBertram Jan 1, 2010, 9:40:33 AM
I really love this painting, it really is a masterpiece and obviously comes from someone who has a deep understanding of people and the subconscious!. In this painting there are three observers, the machine ego on the couch projecting romantic love onto the female, The man in black who is watching them, and most cleverly of all, you!
The artist has added a mouse and keyboard knowing that this work would be seen online, and so it mirrors your mouse and keyboard. Making you the observer, observing the painting. The apple here represents the original sin from the garden of eden, with the two original humans/apes in front. The wine and bread on the table represent the body and blood of christ, the snake eating itself in the back represents infinity. There is a beautiful duality between the machine and the female body. A nice touch is the chastity belt the female body wears indicating that the relationship is not a physical/sexual one but an anima projection.
I'm still not entirely sure what the tourists passing by and the sextants represent, but I guess that is what makes this piece so interesting! I'm a huge fan of art that makes you more aware, that can improve peoples lives and this is certainly one of them. I would have loved to see the artist address the solution to anima projecting but maybe the clues are already there.
The technique is oustanding I think, the reds and pinks complement the romance theme perfectly. The shading and lighting are interesting in that some shadows are going in opposite directions, which lend it a dreamlike quality.
Overall I think this piece speaks for itself, and rates as one of my personal favorites.